Special support for moms-to-be

The Healthy Baby Program is a one-on-one coaching program designed to help mothers-to-be have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Through the program, expectant mothers are partnered with their own Personal Health Advocate who will provide information, support and guidance during pregnancy and after their babies are born.

  • Helps identify common pregnancy-related risks like smoking, and supports expectant mothers in reducing risks
  • Locates in-network obstetricians and pediatricians, if needed
  • Provides information about diet, exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits
  • Ensures postpartum check-ups are scheduled
  • Discusses breastfeeding and newborn care
  • Conducts postpartum screening for depression
  • Offers comprehensive information on pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum and newborn care
  • Enrollment communication materials including Q&As, flyers, maternity book
  • Can incorporate incentives
  • Offered to eligible members, spouses and dependents
  • Seamless integration with all other Health Advocate services

Did you know?

Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.*

Source – https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/prenatal-care