Add the right support during open enrollment

Enrollment Advocate

Helping employees understand major benefit changes presents a challenge to an already overextended HR staff. Our highly trained Enrollment Navigators will step in to ensure that everyone understands so they can make the best choices

Free up human resource and benefits departments

Improve employee satisfaction

Support new benefits plans and changes

According to the NBGH’s Large Employers’ Health Care Strategy and Plan Design Survey, employers are adding choice back into their plan offerings. More choices, more confusion – you’re going to need help.

We make healthcare easier – before, during, and after open enrollment

Provide personalized, knowledgeable guidance so employees are supported every step of the way

Educate about pairing plans with pre-funded health spending accounts so employees get the most value from their benefits

Explain details of plans in plain language so they make the right choices for them

Help find in-network doctors and hospitals available in plan options to match employees with the right care at the right time

Address specific issues, such as pre-existing conditions to avoid disruption in care

Warm transfer employees to Personal Health Advocates for help with clinical or insurance-related issues

Optional appointment scheduling for employees to set up time to consult with a Health Advocate benefits expert

How we helped a large client

"Health Advocate was critical to successfully transitioning our employees to an entirely new benefits portfolio and they did not let us down!"

– Major Engineering Company

60k Employees Enrolled

75k Eligible Employees

34,329 Enrollment Interactions

18,992 Hours of Employee Interactions